Jan 4, 2009

Another day in Namununga meeting more friendly people along the way...

We met many more people, on our way to and from the 2nd build site approx. 30 minute walk away, around the village and through the family we stayed with who had occasional visitors.

This lady was passing through with some beautiful hand-knit items she was selling.

Zambia, the 'real' Africa!

This little girl & I were the lone audience watching a boys football game one evening.
(her brother was one of the players)

Children on their way home from school.

Our G.V team leader, John, tries out Simon's bike

Mike, with some guys we met on the way home from the build
We were all in awe of this gigantic tree trunk!

More kids wanting a 'snap' along the way.
We found out they would hear we were passing
through by 'bush-telegraph', an impressively
swift word-of-mouth communication system,
often alerting kids who had never seen a white
person before of our presence...

Meeting our masons on the way to the build,
Godwin & Million

This was a typical morning scene around Mr. Wilson‘s. I loved hearing the ladies chatting while they went about their morning routine, and as early as it was, they were still up long before we were!

I caught this picture of Fidas carrying her
daughter Monica on her back...she was such
a good mom and I just loved her!

Mr. 'Red Eye' signals another day coming to an
end in the village of Namununga...

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